Friday, March 26, 2010

Royal Banquet - March 25, 2010

Here are a few pictures from the Royal Banquet on March 25. We are so pleased that so many of you were able to attend. We hope you all had a wonderful time and felt like "Royalty". We missed those of you that were not able to be there.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Enrichment Activity, Thursday, August 27

Come to a belated Birthday Party for the Relief Society at the church. It's Thursday, August 27, at 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. There will be party games, a spiritual message, and lots of cake. Don't forget to put this date in your calendar!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dough Enhancer

Eileen Jenkins purchased some dough enhancer to can. She now has more than she will be able to use. All of her bread recipes use the same amount of dough enhancer as yeast. Dough enhancer makes lighter, fluffier baked goods with a combination of several dough conditioners. It increases dough strength and extends shelf life and improves texture. If anyone would like to buy a can or two from Eileen the price is $5.65 per can.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Free guinea pig to any interested person. Trish Sewell offers this pet and will include everything to keep the boy happy -- food, hay, large cage, dishes, and "house." He's 2 years old -- they live to be about 7. Please contact Trish Sewell if interested.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

BYOP - Buy Your Own Pizza @ Barro's, 11:30 am
Thursday, August 13th, 2009
Barro's is on Signal Butte and Southern.
Look for us in the kiddie area in the back!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bountiful Basket Produce Co-op

Bountiful Basket Produce Co-op has opened a new site at Augusta Ranch park. If you are interested in ordering a variety of fruits and vegetables for a great price, check them out here. It is $15.00/basket and you come away with a laundry basket full of fresh produce. You can order as often as once a week or as little as you'd like. You must order by Wednesdays at 10pm and then you pick up the food on Saturday mornings at 8:30am. Each week different produce is available to purchase in larger quantities in addition to the basket. For example, last week California peaches were available. It cost $17.50 for a 28-lb box. This is a great price compared to a local grocery store's sale price on peaches of $1.77/lb .

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mid-week activities the week of June 21

Wednesday, June 24, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Meet at the Chick-Fil-A on Power and Ray. Come to eat and let the kids play!

Friday, June 26, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center 5901 S Hillcrest Dr., Chandler
Call Becky Barber with questions
Bring a picnic lunch and your kids to swim and cool off!